there is absolutely nothing wrong about your choice to want to judge people. especially if u intend to just keep it to urself n do nothing about it n as long as it doesnt bring any harm. but i just personally think no matter how hard or how often you hold an impression towards people, you should at least, try to understand them.
n i really think u should also at least try to get to know someone before accusing them of anything.
if u dislike a person due to one particular reason, then try to find some other reasons to love them. u can, u just don't want to. u are not a perfect person urself which further gives you no reason at all to put a wall between u n them.
n if u choose a certain way to live ur life, don't act surprise or justify urself too much when some people chose the other. just because people may not think the way u do, they are to be blamed?
it is sad of you to believe such way. SAD.
bottom line :