Saturday, January 23, 2010


der, rite on my forehead. in BOLD.

note : only in driving scenario. ;)

i wud hav to admit. i really m a loser when it comes to driving. today, dad's nt around n some renovation is going on at my hse n so there's a need to move the car. guess wt happend. my mum had to walk 100m distance to find a neighbour for a HELP bcoz i didnt dare to even start the engine! loserrrr .. double loserrrrrr.... ni sume tiang pnye psl! soon after gotten my driving lisence (2 years ago) as wt other ppl wud do, ronggeng lah bersama kereta. batak gle barbs ngn steering. NOT until i accidently bumped into the electric pole in front of my hse. TERBAIKK!

dad : xpa2.. x mati xpa..

dad.. always the coolest one. ;) langgar2 tros g repair b4 mak tahu. *wink* its our typical father-daughter conspiracy y'knoe.. n so DAT's when the phobia cme in. pffttt. well at least i hav reasonable reason y m i being such a loser rite...............? rite?? no?? thot so.... ;)


  1. ala.try r ckit2.mak cik aku buat smpi tiang letrik patah.xlama pastu.dh bole drive balik.ok je
