Monday, May 3, 2010


fuhh.. done with tests. dunno y dis time is a lot more pressuring tho.. ;(

once im done with test, a trigger to shop come right away. sumbody explain dis plz. to be true, simple things cn trigger me to shop. seeing sumbody else's closet makes me wanna shop. seeing my own makes me wanna shop. seeing clothes' tags makes me wanna shop. n dis is one thing about myself my mum has always been fussing about.

blogger : saye rase happppppyyyyyy sgt ble shopping.

question : boyfriend u cmne?

blogger : im lucky i dun hav one. ;) kalau ade pun i'll say, "kau g main jauh2. aku nk shoppin. jgn kacau!"

one good thing when even living as a shopaholic is my willingness not to always buy designer's stuffs. i like em.. of course. bt they are stuffs i wont willing to spend my proportion of income for. as long as it looks good, (more importantly looks good on me), y do u care for the status dat a brand satisfy u with? bt sumtimes, i lose in the battle of avoiding temptations. (=_=')

note - no matter wt ppl say, being a shopaholic is still nt a crime for me.

recall the feeling u hav when u shop. nw imagine the feeling u wud hav if all the things in the shop belong to u. dis is when the pure joyness sets in. thus, having a walk-in closet of my own is one of my ultimate dreams in life.

one day i will.

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